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    « My Service Project Experience | Main | Why I Love Women for Afghan Women Part V »

    The Power of Consistency

    by Eric Byington, Mobilization Manager

    In the fall of 2008, our co-founders, Sybil and Chad, set out with State Radio on a month long Take the Country Back Tour, with band, fans and crew registering voters and protesting for a fair trial for Troy Davis in the communities they were passing through. This new approach to touring has become an integral part of Sybil and Chad’s life on the road whether it is with State Radio, Chad and Friends, or, more recently, Dispatch. This consistent commitment to service is the foundation on which Calling All Crows has been built.

    Service, however, is not always easy: things go wrong, people don’t show up, partners change. Over Calling All Crows’ three-year history, we have been a part of service projects of all kinds, but no matter the size or end result, they have all been a success. I attribute the success of our projects to one thing – consistency. When our service goes well, we build upon what worked. When issues arise, we learn from them. But, no matter what, we keep serving, because we believe service is a solution.

    What do we mean by service is a solution - a solution to what? We don’t directly help a woman out of poverty by sorting clothing at Dress For Success; we don’t leave a lasting impact on a community by cleaning a park; and we don’t immediately change the world by writing letters to our political leaders about important issues. We are, however, introduced to important issues and inspired to serve our communities. Music fans have become mentors, have built relationships with local non-profits like Dress for Success, and have been introduced to causes that they continue to support such as a fair trial for Troy Davis. By serving together, we learn how we can use our time, resources and capabilities to support the people and communities we are immediately surrounded by.

    It has been exciting to see the growth in our service. Without your consistent willingness to show up, get your hands dirty and contribute in any way you can, we would not have seen the expansion we have. From the early days of 5 or 6 people gathering to register voters, to our New England service day that saw more than 200 people volunteer in all six NE states, you consistently come out to serve and broaden our scope of impact.

    There is another factor in this growth– financial giving. We want to continue serving as often and as much as we can but this does not come without cost. The planning and implementation of our service requires people, resources and supplies; that is why we have created the Crow Club.

    The Crow Club is a community of people who have made a financial commitment to Calling All Crows. Once per month, Crow Club members give a small sum of money through an automated process. This consistent giving is a powerful resource for our organization, providing a steady foundation that allows responsible planning around our campaigns and future growth.

    Together, through our commitment to consistent service, we will continue to find solutions to the challenges that face our communities.

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